Welcome to @FishFamLink eighteenth monthly stream in this web series in which we focus on an online fish store, go shopping, and give away what we buy. This month, the store we are highlighting is @thegardenofeder with special guest Shelby Kaye Brown and Grant Eder. Thank you to Richard Reynolds and The Garden of Eder for donating to this giveaway. Driect link to the Livestream Giveaway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJBhD... Check out The Garden of Eder's online store here: https://www.tgoeshrimp.com/ Follow our guest and find all of The Garden of Eder's links here: https://fishfam.link/thegardenofeder Stay in the know about your favorite Fishtubers and the rest of Fishfam. Visit and bookmark https://www.fishfam.link for the full livestream schedule, local events, giveaways, fishfam directory, news, social media links, and more.