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PrivacyPolicy only collects and stores data necessary for providing information seen on pages at

Privacy is aware that in today's web age almost every website is collecting data on it's visitors for vairous reasons. We believe strongly that sharing or selling data with third parties while sometimes can be harmelss is a big concern for users. Below you will find information about the data we collect on how or why it's utilized.

Data Collected and Stored from YouTube utilizes the YouTube API to collect video information from; that same information is publicly available at This may include but my not be limited to; channel name, channel avatar, handles, ids, subcount, view count, video links, video titles, video descriptions, video hashtags, video view count, video like count, video dislike count, and video thumbnail. You can view YouTube/Google Privacy Policy at

Data collected and stored from Google utilizes the Login With Google API to log uses into We collect and store your login/email address, avatar, name, and login date/time. The only information shared is the nickname that you set as well as the avatar stored at Google.

Use of Google Analytics utilizes Google Analytics to anonymously collect and store information about user web views. This inclues how they get to and where they go to when clicking away from to external links. This data includes, device type, device OS, device browser, approximate visitor location, and number of visits. Further information about what data Google may collect can be found at Google.

Push notifications utilizes to provide push notifications to Android and iOS via our application which is a web wrapper of our website. We collect basic device type as well as an anonymous ID assigned to each device via Onesignal. Further information about what data may be collected by Onesignal can be found at Onesignal.

Cookies and other delicious stuff does not currently use cookies for data tracking. Advertisement and Analytics may utilize cookies but these are not used by

Removal If you would like your information removed, changed, updated or limited please contact us and let us know your concerns. We will gladly remove whatever you wish. Email us at