No more pesky suction cups! https_// #s
#shrimptank #caridina #caridinashrimp #fancytigershrimp #bluebolt #blueshrimp #oeshrimp #beeshrimp #
Get rid of those awful suction cups! #shrimptank #caridina #caridinashrimp #fancytigershrimp #bluebo
Tons of shrimp, moss, botanicals and shrimp food 😊 time for some new Shrimp! #shrimptank #caridi
4 week old Cichlid Fry #cichlid #cichlids #cichlidfry #parrotfish
Amazing Close Up Blue Shrimp Eating #shrimptank #caridina #caridinashrimp #fancytigershrimp #blueb
Come hang out and get some cool stuff!
Grow Biofilm fast for your shrimp #cherryshrimp #blueshrimp #bluedreamshrimp #bluebolt #neocaridin
Hair Algae is a Pain to Deal With! Pinocchio shrimp are beasts when it comes to hair algae. Pair t
Best Shrimp Food #aquariumshrimp #aquariumshrimpfood #shrimpfood #shrimptank #caridina #caridinashri
Breed 1000’s of shrimp fast! #aquariumshrimp #shrimpbreeder #shrimpkeeper #shrimpkeeping #shrimpbr
Grow Moss Fast for Profit I have been working on different methods for growing moss and this seems
Come Hang Out - Shrimp Room Q&A + Giveaway
Dragon blood shrimp eating spinach #shrimptank #caridina #caridinashrimp #fancytigershrimp #bluebolt