Here is the link to Amazonas Magazine_ https_// The Tank Talk Podcast on I
In this episode Jason and John are thrilled to welcome Darius Chodocinskas, the owner of Northfin Pr
Today we talk monster fish keeping and Monster fish shopping with Rod from Predatory Fins! Check ou
Are you considering keeping African Cichlids but you're not sure what you'll need to do? They're not
In todays episode we're thrilled to be joined by Master Breeder Rick Borstein to talk about Live Bea
Not all Cichlids are mean, if fact there's a lot of them that are friendly enough to be combined wit
The Tank Talk Podcast on Instagram_ https_//
In this weeks episode we bring in our first guest ever on The Tank Talk Podcast. Rob from Flip Aquat
We've all seen it, AI is everywhere now, but is it good for our hobby or could it be bad? In this ep