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LIVE NOW - Ep 327 Lumpy Congo Spotted Puffer GIVEAWAY

345 Phoenix Ave., Sheridan, WY 82801


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Ep 327 Lumpy Congo Spotted Puffer GIVEAWAY

29 Fish in 34 Minutes AQUARIUM Warehouse TOUR

Ep 326 Rainbow Shiner GIVEAWAY

Ep 325 Zebra Loach GIVEAWAY

Aquarium Fish Warehouse UNBOXING - Corydoras eques! Also Goodeids, Cichlids, Killifish and MORE!

24 Boxes of New AQUARIUM FISH - killifish, guppies, loaches, and more!

Tour 24 Aquarium FISH in 25 MINUTES

Ep 324 Gimpy BLUE DIAMOND Angelfish GIVEAWAY

If you ordered Yellow Cobra Guppies this week, you are in for a treat! Had to take a quick phone pic of this beauty in the bag. Someone is going to have a great day when he arrives Thursday.

Fancy-Schmancy AQUARIUM Fish TOUR

T Shot sent us a pic of an L264 Sultan Pleco he bought from us a couple of years ago...what a beauty!

Ep 323 Red Neon Blue Eye Rainbow GIVEAWAY