FishFam Chat


What is

Share Posted on 12/03/2021 by FishFam
What is

In its first few weeks, it has already laid a solid foundation for the community as a one-stop place for all things FishFam. Who's live? We got that. Searching by channel name and/or host name? We got that. Related links for that FishFam member? We got that. Fishy Stores, Events page? We got that. FishFam Stream, Event, and Birthday Calendar. We got that too.

What's next? There are more tools and features planned to be rolled out over the coming weeks and months. Right now I'm focusing on finishing what has already been started.

Have you found errors? An update that needs made? Additions? Deletions? Soon the site will be able to be maintained by the users who use it, for now email with your requested changes.

The only way grows is by submissions of updates from the community and the sharing of URLs by channels and mods.