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Discord for all FishFam plus Specific Members Only Channels

Share Posted on 05/03/2022 by FishFam
Discord for all FishFam plus Specific Members Only Channels

Do you run a discord? Are you a member of a discord? Do you know what Discord is? Have you ever wanted to host a discord server or join one? Do you think there are just too many discords to keep up with?

StephenP2003 and Rikostan are working to solve most of these problems. They have created a central FishFam (not the name) discord server that eventually anyone will be able to join. The best feature is any channel that has memberships will be able to create a members-only channel in the discord specifically for members of their channel.

Currently, to join the discord you must be a member of either Rikostan or StephenP2003's channel and sync your YouTube account with your Discord account. Soon they plan to allow more channels that offer memberships the ability to add their channels and even add general channels for anyone to join.

If you have interest in being part of this as a Channel Host that has memberships on YouTube, contact and/or

More info to come out about this as it continues to progress.

For those that already have discord servers and or channels, don't fret. Nobody is asking you to do or change anything about what you're already doing.